Free Online Latin to English Translator

Translate text and web pages between Latin and English online for free!

You can also translate web pages - just select the URL option and enter the address of the page to be translated.

Is an online translation the best solution? Read the guides to find out!

Having problems? Try breaking the text into smaller pieces and do a little at a time.

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Electronic Dictionary

Latin - English Electronic Dictionaries and Software for Windows, Pocket PC, Palm OS and Cell Phones.

Usage Tips

Some writing styles get much better results from machine translation software than others. Ideally you want to keep things as simple and unambiguous as possible. Pretending to write for a child can help.

Please be aware that even the best machine translation software can only give a rough approximation.

For high quality translations, you will need a professional translation company.

Latin is probably the most interesting of the European languages. Formerly spoken in Ancient Rome and the Italian peninsula where much of our art, science and culture originated. This has resulted in many words, phrases and even grammar being passed to our modern times. Some would say it's a dead language, yet it's still taught in many schools and widely used by scholars and clergy. It's a good foundation that makes learning other subjects much easier.

Anything that's been around for a long time will have many variations, which can make translation difficult. Is it old, modern, classical, renaissance or even medieval? Most people will study just one variation or time period, but it's good to be aware of the full and rich heritage.

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